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Who Will Win Big Brother Canada 12?

One of the exciting things about the Big Brother Canada 12 finale is that anyone can win it. With Big Brother Canada 11, Ty won when he secured a spot in the final three. The same goes for Kevin Jacobs in Big Brother Canada 10. On paper, Anthony should be the season frontrunner. However, Big Brother 19 may be a look at Anthony’s future. Sometimes if you don’t manage the jury well and make too many ruthless plays, it turns the tides against you.

We could see tonight if Anthony has a similar fate to his first season on Big Brother Canada and becomes a two-time runner-up, like Paul Abrahamian. Bayleigh and Lexus have played similar games by being loyal to their alliances but still considered targets by them. They also trusted Anthony, but Bayleigh has always been weary of him. Bayleigh has played more of a dominant game, while Lexus’s game has been passive but just as effective. Let’s look at the possible finale scenarios, and discuss who we think will win each vote.

Bayleigh Vs. Anthony

This is the least likely scenario of tonight’s Big Brother Canada 12 finale. They’re both too ruthless to take the other to the end. However, if something crazy happens and one takes the other to the final two, let’s look at how that scenario plays out.

If Anthony takes Bayleigh to the end, he loses even more credit with the jury. They will judge him for cutting Lexus, who has been one of his closest allies for most of the game. The jurors also may judge him for completely betraying the Hot Chocolate alliance. Even Lexus may turn on him if he cuts her now.

They might also credit Bayleigh for manipulating him into taking her to the end. If Bayleigh takes Anthony, they may credit him with fooling her. Bayleigh could also lose points for not giving them that big moment of slaying the dragon, Anthony. But, I don’t think she necessarily loses next to him. Here’s how I think the votes will go depending on who takes whom.

Bayleigh Takes Anthony To The Final Two

Elijah votes for Anthony.

Kayla votes for Bayleigh.

Avery votes for Bayleigh.

Tola votes for Anthony.

Victoria votes for Bayleigh.

Todd votes for Bayleigh.

Lexus votes for Anthony.

The key votes in this scenario are Kayla and Victoria. It depends on what Kayla values more: another Black winner or a woman winner. She prioritized Hot Chocolate in the Big Brother Canada 12 house but may have changed her tune. Victoria says she won’t vote bitterly but I don’t quite believe this, and Bayleigh is a good enough player for Victoria to support voting for her in the end. This scenario may come down to a close vote, and I see some switching depending on speeches and questions, but I think ultimately, Bayleigh edges out Anthony by at least a couple of votes (if not all of them).

Anthony Takes Bayleigh To The Final Two

Elijah votes for Bayleigh.

Kayla votes for Bayleigh.

Avery votes for Bayleigh.

Tola votes for Bayleigh.

Victoria votes for Bayleigh.

Todd votes for Bayleigh.

Lexus votes for Bayleigh.

It could be unanimous or close to one in this scenario. I can see Lexus and Tola becoming annoyed enough with Anthony’s latest betrayal to turn against him and not give him their votes. However, if they decide it’s just a game, they may be his only two votes to win. Elijah seems like a player who values loyalty so I think he switches his vote here because Anthony may come off a bit too cutthroat to secure a victory, especially after preaching loyalty all season. The jury segment from Tuesday’s episode basically confirmed that the jury is not Anthony fans. They’re supporting Bayleigh. If she makes it to the end, she’s winning.

Bayleigh Vs. Lexus

If I had to guess, I think this is the most likely scenario for tonight’s finale. I think Bayleigh will win the final Head of Household and cut Anthony. If Lexus wins and cuts Anthony, I think she earns some respect from the jury. I just don’t know if it’s enough to win Big Brother Canada 12. Let’s look at both of these potential outcomes as well.

Bayleigh Takes Lexus To The Final Two

Elijah votes for Bayleigh.

Kayla votes for Bayleigh.

Avery votes for Bayleigh.

Tola votes for Bayleigh.

Victoria votes for Bayleigh.

Todd votes for Bayleigh.

Anthony votes for Bayleigh.

Anthony and Tola could give Lexus their votes just as their close ally. However, I think ultimately they would vote for Bayleigh as well. She had more of an active game and I think they will respect that more. She helped drive more of the action, while Lexus helped support more of the action. However, Lexus could have a great final speech and answers so she could swing some votes in her favor.

Lexus Takes Bayleigh To The Final Two

Elijah votes for Bayleigh.

Kayla votes for Bayleigh.

Avery votes for Bayleigh.

Tola votes for Bayleigh.

Victoria votes for Bayleigh.

Todd votes for Bayleigh.

Anthony votes for Bayleigh.

I think Bayleigh still wins but maybe not by as many votes. I thought Tola might be a vote for Lexus, but the jury segment showed that he also doesn’t seem to respect her game. I can see many people being surprised and impressed if Lexus cuts Anthony. This may make them give her their votes. They even mentioned that on Tuesday’s episode.

Lexus Vs. Anthony

Percentage-wise, this scenario has the best odds of being the outcome of the season. Anthony and Lexus are most likely taking each other to the end. This scenario is also the hardest to predict because Avery, Victoria, and Kayla, by proximity, don’t have the best impression of either of their games. Victoria often said she didn’t want to see Lexus win. She hated the idea of her making it to the final two. The other women agreed. However, with Anthony’s betrayal, Victoria may rather see Lexus win than Anthony. I think Victoria still has a lot of influence in the game, especially over Kayla and Avery.

This also may mean she influences Elijah. We also saw that Tola seemed very hurt by Anthony not voting to keep him. This could make him also a bit bitter toward him. Todd will be voting independently from Bayleigh’s influence. Therefore, his vote is hard to predict. I think he respected Anthony’s game, but Lexus and him grew close during the final few weeks.

He may see her as a more formidable player than he once did. I also don’t think who takes who matters because everyone expects them to take each other. Therefore, I will just do a general look at the votes.

Elijah votes for Anthony.

Kayla votes for Anthony.

Avery votes for Anthony.

Tola votes for Anthony.

Victoria votes for Anthony.

Todd votes for Anthony.

Bayleigh votes for Anthony.

Even though I still projected Anthony beating Lexus, I don’t know. I think Anthony ultimately wins because Victoria might want to believe that the best player took her out. It would help her ego. She could say she lost because the BBCAN12 winner saw her as too much of a threat. She also created this narrative in her head and amongst the other houseguests that Lexus did nothing all season. Therefore, to vote her as the winner, makes her seem bitter. She doesn’t seem like she wants the bitter juror reputation. However, I would not be surprised if Lexus won Big Brother Canada 12. Her game had some strong points. However, I just don’t know if they were as strong as Anthony’s game.

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