BBCAN12 Week 1 Vote
Janine is evicted by a 11-0 vote.
Arisa Cox lets them know all their potential prizes as the winner.
Bayleigh votes to evict Janine.
Dinis votes to evict Janine.
Donna votes to evict Janine.
Elijah votes to evict Janine.
Kayla votes to evict Janine.
Lexus votes to evict Janine.
Matt votes to evict Janine.
Todd votes to evict Janine
Tola votes to evict Janine.
Victoria votes to evict Janine.
Vivek votes to evict Janine.
In her interview, Janine talks about Anthony’s allure. However, Arisa tells Janine that she could have used more to fight for her game. She includes the ammunition about Victoria and Anthony working together.