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Who is the week 3 target?

We would love to be able to sit here and say that the latest Big Brother Canada 12 Digital Daily gave us good content. Alas, it really didn’t if you were looking for answers on who won Head of Household last night. More than likely, we’re stuck waiting until tomorrow to learn it at this point.

Instead, what we had within the update was actually more added context into what happened prior to Donna’s eviction, including the fact that she knew she was in huge trouble and the plan she had to flip the house ultimately was not going to work. She did give it her best chance but even still, that proved to not be enough. We did at least get evidence that she and Todd kissed in the house before what we saw last night, though we’re not sure how many of you out there really needed clarification on that to know that it happened.

One other thing we know is quite simple: Victoria and Hot Chocolate were doing their best to hope that Bayleigh did not win Head of Household, given that she could easily opt to come after them. Dinis, meanwhile, still remains the target for a lot of people moving forward. He’s one of the people who was not super-psyched about the idea of getting Donna out of the game, and he also has shown himself to be a Veto threat early on. He’s clearly one of those people who realized early on that he would rather fight then just throw things to not be a target.

The biggest bummer of not know the new HoH right now is that there are so many different ways that things could go. It’s possible that Victoria threw so much stuff at the wall during her HoH reign that none of it sticks and she is able to move forward reasonably unscathed. However, if one comment gets amplified the wrong way, she could be in trouble that is the inherent risk of playing the way that she does.

What do you most want to see happen this week on Big Brother Canada 12?

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