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Week 1 Power of Veto Ceremony!

Today’s Big Brother Canada 12 Digital Dailies revealed what happened during the Power of Veto Ceremony. It went how you could have guessed. A player can use the first week to make a splash or play it safe. Most players play the first week safely. It’s easier and maybe sets them up to go far in the BBCAN game. Head of Household Anthony decided that he wanted Janine gone this week.

He didn’t see any other option but to take out Janine. She was the biggest threat to his game this week because she was the only one on the other side who didn’t see himself working within the game. This is a smart move for Anthony, but maybe not a great move for the rest of the house.

He then informed everyone of his plan, including his target. Therefore, to save Janine would make a major statement against Anthony. It didn’t seem like anyone wanted to make such a big move against him yet. Dinis seems like a smart player who knows that flashy moves are nice, but only if they benefit your game.

Therefore it would have shocked us if he decided to use the Veto. He already told Janine and Avery that he didn’t plan to save either of them with the Veto, but he would keep that between them.

BBCAN12 Week 1 Power of Veto Ceremony

Dinis did not use the Veto. Avery and Janine remain on the block.

The house doesn’t seem to consider flipping the votes to save Janine. Unless something major happens by Wednesday’s eviction, her game may be over already. However, she isn’t ready to just give up her game. Therefore, we may see some last-minute moves from her. Only time will tell if they save her.

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