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Tonight's Show Episode 9!

Big Brother Canada 12 had one straightforward week, then a chaotic one. They both had the same results: two women leaving. The Big Sisters have been self-imploding at a rapid rate. This week could seal their fate as an alliance doomed. It depends on who wins the current Head of Household duties. Currently, Anthony and Victoria hold most of the power in the house. They have protection all around them.

Even with some players catching on to their games, too many have promised them their loyalty. The returning player mist is strong with this bunch. They’re not willing to go against Anthony and Victoria yet. This means Bayleigh, Dinis, and Vivek needed to worry the most about the Head of Household Competition.

If the house dynamic doesn’t change, they are the next three players in danger. If any of them wins HOH, this should be an interesting Big Brother Canada week. Do they try to hit a big target or play it safe? Suppose anyone in Hot Chocolate (now that Victoria is ineligible for HOH) wins Head of Household. In that case, it should be a fairly predictable week with one of the main three targets leaving. Todd is also a potential target for Hot Chocolate as he’s not directly working with them. However, he’s also barely playing to their knowledge so they could feel like they wasted a week targeting him.

Many potential outcomes this week. Let’s see how it all starts.

BBCAN12 Week 2 Eviction Fall-Out

How will the house react now that Donna has been evicted?

Kayla, Avery, and Victoria say they trust the women now that Donna is gone. They hope Bayleigh knows this. Bayleigh discusses feeling alone but wants to win power to understand what’s going on more. Dinis also worries he’s the next target.

BBCAN12 Week 3 Head of Household Results

Now that the power is up for grabs, who will seize it?

The houseguests play a version of musical chairs. They must stand on a disk, then they have to make sure they land on one lit up after the lights start moving. If they’re the last to find a safe disk (aka one lit up), they’re eliminated. They also face temptation. The first one is food. The second is drinks. Rob from Season 11 is there to give massages. Victoria enjoys all the temptations, including the massage. There is a slop pass. Vivek goes for it and barely makes it in time. There is a special advantage hidden.

Todd is eliminated first. Bayleigh is the second eliminated. Anthony is next eliminated. Followed by Lexus. Elijah out next. Dinis goes after him. Tola and Matt are eliminated next. Avery and Vivek both go search for it. Avery gets it and wins safety for the week.

The last two players are Kayla and Vivek.

Vivek wins Head of Household.

Bayleigh and Victoria aren’t excited about Vivek winning HOH. They know they could be in danger. Bayleigh and Todd immediately start worrying about going on the block. Bayleigh really starts freaking out. Victoria worries about her safety until her talk with Vivek. He assures her that she’s safe.

Vivek’s brother is the person to give him his Wendy’s meal. He has it with Matt to let him know he can trust him. Vivek tells Matt that he wants to work with him and Anthony. He also says Bayleigh will be one of his nominees. Matt suggests he put up Todd because he has been saying crazy things.

Bayleigh and Vivek talk about their blow-up. Bayleigh needs the women on her side if Vivek puts her up. Victoria talks about being annoyed by Elijah and regretting not taking out Anthony. Bayleigh says Anthony controls a lot of the votes so this will show if he’s really on her side.

Kayla, Avery, and Victoria discuss not wanting to lose Bayleigh this week. They also agree the Directors is too big. They hint towards taking out one of their members when Elijah walks in the room.

Vivek then asks Elijah to go on the block as a pawn. The Hotter Chocolate agree that Bayleigh needs to stay this week.

BBCAN12 Week 3 Nominations

Who will make their way to the block?

Dinis worries that Vivek is being too emotional with his nominations. He’s nervous about him targeting Bayleigh. He then asks him about his closeness with Anthony and Matt. Dinis asks if he’s more loyal to him or Matt and Anthony. He says he’s more loyal to Dinis. Dinis suggests he nominate Tola and Bayleigh. He also expresses fear about Vivek’s closeness to Anthony. He suggests he goes after someone close to Anthony if he’s not ready to go after him. He says Tola is the best way to attack Anthony’s shields.

Vivek nominates Bayleigh and Elijah.

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