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Tonight's Show Episode 4!

During the first Big Brother Canada 12 week, Anthony and Victoria have been the main focus. Their entries drew the attention right to them. The houseguests have been orbiting them and making decision to their benefit or involving them. Mainly, this is because Big Brother gave Anthony and Victoria safety this week. It also allowed them to form teams and ensured that one of them won the first Head of Household Competition.

This seemingly benefited Victoria’s game but may hurt Anthony’s game. Becoming the center of attention is always a double-edged sword. It can highlight why you’d be a good ally, but it could also enhance why you’re a game threat. Anthony’s decision to nominate Avery and Janine put a negative spotlight on him, especially with the women.

Now, Janine’s game life is holding on by a thread. Anthony hurt it by letting the house know that she is his target. No one wants to go against him. Therefore, the Power of Veto Competition is the only way to guarantee that she stays in the Big Brother Canada house for another week.

Can she pull off a clutch victory?

BBCAN12 Nomination Ceremony Fall-Out

Anthony has become a bit of the big bad wolf in the Big Brother Canada 12 house week. He makes Avery cry, and he is trying to take out a mother. Of course, the viewers know that Anthony is secretly aligned with Avery and the tears are fake. However, only a few houseguests know about their secret alliance.

Anthony admits that he told Janine some lies to sell his reason for targeting her. He never heard her say his name. The Hot Chocolate alliance which includes Kayla, Lexus, Avery, Anthony, and Victoria check in after Anthony nominates one of the allies. Bayleigh believes that Tola is the source of Avery and Janine going on the block.

She believes he’s spreading lies to Anthony about the girl’s alliance. In actuality, Victoria is the one who told him about it.

BBCAN12 Power of Veto Week 1 Competition

Janine and Avery need the Veto. It’s the only way to stay in the game longer. Can one of them pull off the first POV win of the season?

Dinis, Tola, and Matt are selected to play in this Power of Veto Competition. Bayleigh is picked to host. Anthony admits in the DR that he’s keeping Tola as a target in front of him. That’s why he doesn’t want to nominate him this week.

The houseguests must crawl through holes to look for puzzle pieces in the dark. The first place to collect all their pieces and assemble their puzzle correctly won the Power of Veto. The puzzle really came down to whether Dinis or Janine would win because they both needed one last piece. Janine and Dinis but call for check but don’t win because they picked up the wrong pieces.

They must reevaluate their boards and find the right pieces to go in the right places. Dinis manages to figure out his error before Janine.

Dinis wins the Power of Veto.

BBCAN12 Power of Veto Week 1 Ceremony

Will anyone come off the block?

Anthony immediately begins to work to schmooze Dinis to not use the Veto. Avery campaigns for Dinis to not use the Veto. They also discuss Anthony as a player. Janine warns Dinis about Tola and her fears that he’s the reason Anthony doesn’t trust her.

Dinis decided to not use the Veto. Either Avery or Janine will become the first player evicted from the Big Brother Canada 12 house.


Everything else that happened in the episode.

Kayla talks about the importance of having one of the women in the Hot Chocolate alliance win the game. All the women saw the Hot Chocolate alliance as more important than the Big Sisters alliance.

In the DR, Vivek says that he suspects Anthony lied and wants Janine out because she really knows the game. He wanted her to win the Veto to take out Tola. The houseguests get a delivery lounge from Skip. It includes an exclusive meal for the Have-Nots. It also signals the end of it.

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