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Tonight's Show Episode 1

Welcome back Big Brother Canada fans. It’s time for another 60+ days of gaming, scheming, romance, backstabbing, betrayal, and of course Marsha the moose. It’s that one special night of the year when excitement is high and expectations are even higher. Big Brother Canada 12 could (hopefully) be the best season ever.

Tonight’s episode kicks off with the introduction of the 12 new Big Brother Canada 12 houseguests. According to host and producer Arisa Cox, many of them are superfans. That’s an exciting statistic for some interesting gameplay. Superfans tend to want to make a legacy.

They’re willing to do what it takes to win Big Brother Canada.

Not only will we meet the new houseguests competing for $200,000 in cash in prizes, but we’ll also see the two returning houseguests. We’ll be able to prove or disprove the rumored houseguests. With BBCAN premiere night also comes new twists, surprises, and much more. You have to always be on alert and expect the unexpected.

We may not have the privilege of watching the houseguests 24/7, but it should still be an exciting season with plenty of worth-watching moments. Let the games begin. This is Big Brother Canada.

Meet The New BBCAN12 Houseguests

The 12 new houseguests enter the game to outplay, outsmart, and outlast everyone else. They have no clue that two returning players plan to shake up the game. Will these all-stars manage to improve their game from their last go?

Big Brother Canada starts the season big with a semi-extravagant introduction. Arisa then talks about the all-stars returning to the house. Bayleigh, Elijah, Kayla, and Matthew are part of the first four introduced to the audience and enter the house. Next to enter are Donna, Dinis, Avery, and Tola. The final four to enter are Vivek,Todd, Lexus, and Jannie.

The first 12 houseguests make a pact that they will take out any returning houseguests (if they return). Arisa then alerts them that they will now start their first competition of the season. Victoria from Big Brother Canada 9, aka Spicy V is the first confirmed returning houseguest. Anthony from Big Brother 7 is the next confirmed returning houseguest. Therefore, proving the rumored houseguests correct.

They are granted automatic safety for the week. Anthony and Victoria explore the house before they join the new houseguest ready for a competition. Anthony and Victoria discover a car and assume someone will be able to win it.

BBCAN12 Safety Competition Results

Who will become the first BBCAN12 HOH of the season? Will there even be one? So many questions to find out in the next 60 minutes.

Arisa lets the houseguests know that this a safety competition. It’s a safety chain competition. They then get to pick who to be in their entourage between Victoria and Anthony. Then tomorrow Victoria and Anthony will compete to keep their entire team safe. Whoever loses between Victoria and Anthony, their entire team becomes eligible for eviction. It’s an endurance competition where they must balance their weight on a rope. The player to last the longest wins.

Elijah falls first, followed by Kayla, Dinis, Bayleigh, and Todd. The episode ends before seeing who won.

Everything Else

As the houseguests meet each other, things such as initial attractions and alliances should start to take form.

Arisa announces that viewers will get more from the Digital Dailies. They will be longer, juicier and include footage of the first few days (which we can view tonight by going to the official site).

Make sure to join us tomorrow at 10 pm EST for the second night of BBCAN12 premiere week,

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