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Tonight's BBCAN Show Episode 15!

One of the biggest Big Brother Canada 12 episodes aired on Wednesday. It turns what could have been a normal eviction week into a crazy one. It all had to do with the Executive Veto. After a chain of rejection, Victoria saved Todd from the block. This allowed him to put up a replacement nominee, and he chose to nominate Vivek. This is who Victoria wanted to evict, so he respected her wishes.

The entire house voted out Vivek. However, things almost didn’t play out that way. Anthony wanted Victoria to save Tola. Tola promised to nominate Vivek as requested, but Bayleigh didn’t trust that he wouldn’t nominate her. This theory seemed true because there was talk of Tola pulling a blindside.

He could have nominated Bayleigh. Because Victoria chose to save Bayleigh and Todd by using the Executive Veto on Todd and not Tola, Anthony may not be thrilled with her decision. He got to keep Tola, one of his close allies but he lost a potential perfect minion with Vivek. This is the first major move where Victoria and Anthony’s games aren’t completely aligned.

We’ll have to see if this move causes some tension in their game relationship. Meanwhile, the show left us in the dark about who could win the Head of Household. Victoria and Anthony pretty much have the whole house on their side, so they should be safe no matter who wins HOH. But other people may need to worry.

BBCAN12 Week 4 Eviction Fall-out

What ripples will the Executive Veto cause?

Anthony says he didn’t expect Vivek to leave. However, this week has shown him that the alliance isn’t as strong as he thought. Victoria says working with other people who aren’t in Hot Chocolate worries her. Flashback to a discussion with Anthony, Victoria, and Kayla. They discuss the Tola and Todd vote.

Kayla and Victoria say they feel anxious about Anthony having so many shields, but they don’t have anyone on their alleged side. Victoria says the chain of rejection solves Anthony and her conflict. They are at a standstill about Tola and Todd.

Lexus says she picks a woman so they trust her more and repay the favor down the line. Anthony says he gives Victoria the power to show her cards. She says the wrong move could expose her game. She worries that if she doesn’t take off Todd, Anthony’s side will vote him out. Anthony says that this move shows that he can’t fully trust her. He says this move gives him the freedom to play the game for himself. Victoria notices Anthony’s sour attitude toward her.

Anthony says he can’t lose another guy because Hot Chocolate is four women. He needs people, but he understands that they lost shields. Elijah says he has to lay low this week. Todd says he’s been playing down his game, but when he gets the chance to shine, he will. He took note of Anthony’s face when he came off the block.

BBCAN12 Week 5 Head of Household Results

Let’s see who takes control of this Big Brother Canada 12 week.

For this week’s Head of Household, the houseguests go to the BB diner. They must push milkshakes down a table with numbers 1-15. They have 30 seconds to get as many points as possible. The person with the most points after everyone goes wins.

Anthony = 19

Avery= 36

Bayleigh = 33

Tola = 21

Victoria = 15

Kayla = 22

Matt = 11

Lexus = 23

Todd = 29

Avery is the new Head of Household!

The girls celebrate Avery’s win in the HOH room. Anthony tells the men to make their meetings feel uncomfortable and he walks in on one. Avery says she just wants to play it safe. Anthony tries to tell the women to separate so people aren’t suspicious of them working together. The girls listen but say they don’t plan to take him seriously. They will tell him what he wants to hear. Victoria and Avery are worried that they will flip the votes to evict Todd.

Avery wonders if getting out Elijah is a weak move. She changes her mind to nominate Tola and Elijah. Victoria says she doesn’t trust Matt. Kayla also says the same thing to Todd in different conversations. Kayla and Victoria discuss not putting up Todd as a pawn.

They think taking out Elijah is not a great move. They want Avery to nominate Tola and Matt because this will force Anthony to have fewer options and come to their side.

Victoria tells Todd that the other side wants him gone and Tola off the block. Victoria says she sees Todd as a tool she can use to make moves she can’t. She mentions how she can’t nominate Anthony. He say he would do it without shedding a tear. He says he could do it for anyone without tears. He wants to work with her.

BBCAN12 Week 5 Nominations

Who finds themselves on the block.

During the party, Victoria and Avery have a game talk. They decide not to put up Matt. She keeps Elijah as her target but plans to nominate Tola. She tells Tola her intentions for this week. Victoria says Anthony is still her number one. They just need to get on the same page. They discuss this week’s nomination and the upcoming weeks. Anthony says his guard is up now that she did with the Executive Veto. He says he sees her game. He isn’t mad about it but will get even.

Avery tells Elijah that he’s going on the block. He doesn’t realize that he’s the target.

Avery nominates Elijah and Tola for eviction.

Avery uses her speech to make Elijah know that he’s the target.


Everything else that happened this Big Brother Canada 12 week.

The houseguests have a party.

Avery takes Lexus to Wendy’s. because they never really have game talks. She also still feels uneasy about her relationship with Matt. Avery’s girlfriend Erin delivers her Wendy’s.

Avery informs Lexus how Anthony said the women spend too much time together. They point out his hypocrisy. They think he wants to weaken them.

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