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Things From The Digital Dailies!

It was quite impressive how, in only a few days, Anthony and Victoria managed to position themselves well in the Big Brother Canada 12 house. They should have clearly become targets number one and two. However, they seemingly successfully used their all-star mist to convince most of the houseguests to want to work with them and see them as part of their end-game strategy. Things looked like easy sailing for them… until Anthony became the BBCAN12 Head of Household.

The first Head of Household can be a powerful position. Many have navigated it well and made it far in Big Brother. On the other side, there is a hall of fame for bad first Head of Household reigns. So far, Anthony is not joining that exclusive club. Additionally, it’s too early to call this HOH a failure or success. Time will decide whether it hurts or hinders his game.

Nevertheless, right now, it’s hurting his game. The women went from loving Anthony and seeing him as the best man in the house, to questioning his intentions. Anthony plans to nominate Avery and Janine this week for eviction. Many of the women were okay with the possibility of Janine being nominated and possibly evicted until they realized that Antony may be a guy’s guy and not a girl’s guy.

If they watched his original season, this should have been obvious. They clearly didn’t realize he may want to work with this set of men over them. Anthony seemed like he was going to try to keep both genders happy, but nominating two women is a red flag. Plus, if Janine wins Veto, then Anthony will have to make a major decision.

Big Brother Canada 12-Bayleigh, Janine, and Donna

He could make the women happy and nominate Tola, but lose the perfect shield, or he could nominate Kayla and make sure a woman leaves. This draws the line in the sand. However, this move won’t ensure all the men are on Anthony’s side.

Vivek openly questioned Anthony’s decision to target Janine. Anthony is also worried about him in the game. If Vivek wasn’t on his team, Anthony may have taken a shot at him. So Anthony is definitely not in the strongest position going into next week.

Bayleigh, Donna, and Janine all are now looking at Anthony as someone that they aren’t sure they can trust. They also questioned his bro relationship with Tola. They started to suspect that they were working together.

No one has boldly stated (at least on the limited Digital Dailies content) that they’re going after Anthony next week. However, a lot of opinions on him have gone down. He benefits from having Matt and Tola in the game, because the women may dislike them more than him enough to not target him for a few weeks. They may go after Tola and Matt first.

Big Brother Canada 12-Janine and Anthony

If Victoria or Anthony leave soon, it will likely be him. His best weapon is Victoria right now because she can warn him about the changing tides. He may be able to salvage this week if he ensures Janine’s eviction, and then repairs the trust he has lost or is beginning to lose.

Do you think Anthony’s decision to nominate two women this week will hurt his Big Brother Canada 12 game? Let us know in the comment section.

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