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The latest Digital Daily!

We went into the Tuesday Big Brother Canada Digital Daily drop with certain expectations. There would be campaigning, right?

Well, we got at least some of that today with Matt and Elijah on the block together but also some interesting stuff that could impact the game long-term. Anthony Douglas may be overconfident at times, but he’s far from dumb. He’s become aware of the fact that Spicy Vee is trying to take out some of his allies and reduce his numbers, and that could alter the game moving forward.

Is Anthony going to go at Victoria next week? We’re not sure that we would go that far but, at the same time, he could try and go after some of her allies. He and Victoria had a slightly more agitated discussion in today’s drop as she suggested to him that she may end up getting Matt out this week. For the time being, it appears that this is the thing that we’re most-likely going to see. He knows that Spicy is playing multiple sides and trying to make sure that everyone is okay with her.

As much as we are against returning players on newbie seasons, there is something fascinating now about two big-time players (who are friends outside of the house) having to contend with the fact that they are causing each other trouble in the game. Also, convincing their allies continuously to do their bidding. Anthony will still have some people on his side even if Matt goes, but will it be enough?

In some other news:

For some reason, Victoria hid Bayleigh’s water bottle and there was a silly amount of time devoted to it. Our thinking is that this may just be some sort of task. The rest of the game is moving fairly slow at the moment, which happens when you don’t have an Executive Veto or anything else to throw in here.

What do you think is going to happen on Big Brother Canada 12 tomorrow?

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