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Summary of today's Digital Daily!

Following what we saw on this week’s Big Brother Canada 12 episode, we wanted nothing more than to see a chaotic week 6. Vivek was booted in what was an act of ultimate karma it was so obvious that even he admitted that sending out Dinis the week before was a huge mistake.

There was no HoH winner revealed during the episode, so we were forced to rely on the Digital Dailies instead. Thankfully, we actually found it out in the Thursday drop: Avery has the power for the week! As for what she wants to do, at the moment it seems as though the plan for nominations is a bit up in the air in part because Spicy Vee is saying different things to different people and she’s a big influence on Avery.

One scenario here is that Goose and Todd end up being the nominees, which would be a way to play it safe and also a good way to remind Elijah how terrible his HoH reign truly was. However, there were also discussions some time ago about maybe going after Tola or Matt, and we do think these could be building blocks if you want to get out Anthony in a backdoor. We don’t necessarily buy that Victoria honestly wants that, but we do think she wants to take away some of his numbers so he does not have as many options.

So will she or Avery be bold enough to take some risks? That remains to be seen, but at least Bayleigh continues to be safe. Also, we could see Todd winning a Veto if he gets nominated here; the past week or so has certainly shown him more that he needs to play — and hard — sooner rather than later.

What did you want to see happen within the Head of Household Competition

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