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Summary of today's Digital Daily!

Following Thursday night’s Big Brother Canada 12 episode, we were more eager than ever to learn who won the Head of Household Competition.

After all, wasn’t the entire game set up to be chaotic following Victoria’s Head of Household reign? Donna ended up being evicted, but it was hardly unanimous. Todd, Bayleigh, and Dinis found themselves on the outside of the numbers and as a result of that, they needed to win the competition more than anyone. Also, some people have to be aware at this point that the veterans could be set up to steamroll everyone, even if there are only two of them in the game right now in Anthony and Victoria who cannot compete to be HoH.

So could Todd avenge his showmance? Who ended up getting in power?

Well, today it was finally revealed that Vivek has found himself into power for the first time and with that, he has a difficult choice to make. He has been working with some people like Dinis, who is on the outside of some of the numbers. However, he may feel like Spicy Vee helped to save him after deciding to target Donna instead. Long-term, it is better to get out the returnees since they don’t have any plans of going with him to the end of the game.

Short-term? Well, it seems like he just wants to do their bidding and go after Bayleigh, with Elijah being up there presumably as a pawn again. Dinis has been pushing him to consider some other options, so we’ll see if that happens. If you do want a big move to happen, this may be one of those things that comes around post-Veto when there is less variance as to what can happen. Vivek may think it better to play it safe since he did have such a target on him, but you really should play the long game and count your numbers here

Who did you want to see win the next Big Brother Canada Head of Household competition?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

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