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Summary Episode 24!

To the surprise of no one, tonight’s Big Brother Canada 12 episode spent a good bit of time looking back at the Double Eviction. With that in mind, what did we learn about the final five?

A part of this is something that we learned late last week Anthony won Head of Household! This gave him a unique opportunity to figure out who to target and who to have on his side. Lexus is one of his closest allies at this point, and he obviously did not want her on the block. Yet, there is also a weird situation that can emerge from this week someone not on the block could win Veto and use it, which forces Lexus to go up.

Well, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves at present. Anthony made it clear after he won HoH that his target this week was actually Spicy! He realizes that with her gone, he has a much easier path to the end. He has been keeping receipts on everything that she has said and done for most of the season, preparing for this moment. The obvious scenario we foresaw in this episode was Balyeigh and Todd going on the block but Bayleigh was also objecting to it hard. That led to him having a conversation with Lexus about it and ultimately, deciding the best move was to nominate her instead.

With that, Lexus and Todd are on the block with Spicy as the target, and it seems that Todd, Lexus, and Bayleigh are all in agreement that Victoria has lied to her for most of the season. Because of that, they are all on board with making this plan happen.

Will it actually happen? Well, that depends on who won the Veto if Spicy has it, everything goes up in the air.

What do you want to see through the rest of Big Brother Canada 12 this week?

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