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Summary Big Brother Canada 12 episode 8

Was Donna Marshall evicted on tonight’s Big Brother Canada 12? We know that she was the target after the Veto Ceremony, and it came after a crazy week.

Now, we should say that while it seemed somewhat irrational for Spicy Vee to take out Donna from the game, it made more sense once she pitched Anthony as a replacement nominee. She was true to the women’s alliance, but we’ve already seen Vee say that Dougie is her #1. It’s a brutal move to take her out and it’s risky; we’re not sure we would have done it. However, it’s possible that Dinis was going to use the Veto regardless, which means that Vivek would have been safe.

No matter what Victoria did this time around, she would have burned some people and now, she has burned some people within the women’s alliance.

It took forever in the episode tonight to get to the vote, but it felt fairly clear from our vantage point that Donna was going no matter how the edit made it seem. We do think that some of Victoria’s panic and/or apologizing was her feeling genuinely bad; however, another part of it was her covering her tracks so she wouldn’t be blamed immediately. It is hard to watch her and think even for a second that she’s got a good handle on where the game could be going moving forward, mostly because at one point tonight, she even threw Avery under the bus!

Here is the good news at least this was not a unanimous vote! Todd, Dinis, and Bayleigh did vote to keep Donna in the game and as we move forward, we do think there is potential for things to be so much more interesting. The next Head of Household will actually mean something big, and there is a chance that Vee’s chaotic HoH could come back to bite her.

Our biggest takeaway from the episode? We really wish that there were live feeds this season. Just imagine what we could see!

What did you think about the week we saw within Big Brother Canada 12?

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