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Summary Big Brother Canada 12 episode 5

As we prepared to see tonight’s Big Brother Canada 12 episode, we also prepared for the eventual exit of Janine Holmes.

After all, there was almost no evidence out there that Janine stood a chance of staying opposite Avery, who she was on the block against. Avery has been overwhelmingly one of the most popular people in the house, and she’s also insulated herself well with other groups. Even though Anthony nominated her, there is actually still some trust there! They also have a larger alliance in Hot Chocolate, which also contains Kayla, Lexus, and Victoria. Janine just was in the wrong place at the wrong time this week, and there was also the wrong person in power.

Anthony is going to get what he wants as Head of Household, but at what cost? We do think that he’s a better player in the shadows than out in front, and there are some people after him moving forward.

During the episode we did see a certain amount of campaigning, plus also Janine going through various stages of grief, whether it be blaming Anthony, being upset at herself, and then at various points accepting her fate.

Now, the actual decision

For those of you who were hoping for some iconic speech, you are probably going to be disappointed. Janine indicated that there are a lot of lies being told in the game but really, that’s something that you can rinse, repeat, and take from any season of the show. We don’t think that there is anything that revelatory about it at all here.

The vote itself was unanimous and why wouldn’t it be? We are early on in the game and nobody wants to ruffle any feathers. With this, we come to an end to Janine’s unceremonious time on the show, and one of the most anticlimactic first weeks we’ve had in a while.

Are you bummed that Janine Holmes has been evicted so soon on Big Brother Canada 12?

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