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Summary Big Brother Canada 12 episode 14

At one point this week, we could have gone into this Big Brother Canada 12 eviction show confident as to what would take place. It felt like Todd was going to more than likely be the person sent out the door, but then a certain twist came into play.

By the twist, we are of course talking talking here about an Executive Power of Veto. This is a twist that could be a game-changer to almost everything after the fact.

So, what actually happened? Well, Spicy Vee ended up getting the executive Veto in what you can almost call another twist on the classic Safety Chain, and this showed further just how popular she is among the other players. After this and the second HoH, isn’t this going to make her a threat at some point in the fairly near future? It feels fair to argue that.

Now, let’s get to what Victoria actually chose to do with the power. Because she loves mess, she couldn’t help herself and by virtue of that, she removed Todd from the block. However, the nature of the executive Power of Veto is that the person she removes gets to name a replacement, and he promptly put up Vivek in what he felt was the ultimate move of revenge over what he did to Dinis. Hilariously, Vivek gave into peer pressure and what did it get him? Well, almost nothing.

Now, the public vote

Apparently, this was not the only crazy thing that completely unraveled Elijah’s Head of Household. Everyone had to decide between Vivek and Tola in a public fashion and what this meant was pretty simple: Everyone had to show their cards.

In the end, this was Vivek’s swan song. Sure, in a lot of ways this twist was insanely unfair, given that Vivek never really had a chance to save himself. Yet, simultaneously it was pretty darn entertaining and it is hard to deny that.

What did you think about the Executive Power of Veto within the Big Brother Canada 12 house today?

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