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Predictions Week 1.Tonight the first player will leave the game.

As we prepare for the first eviction on Big Brother Canada 12, is it absolutely set what we are going to see? It feels that way. As a matter of fact, it does seem like a lot of attention is already being paid towards trying to figure out the next target.

First, let’s prepare to say goodbye to Janine, who is almost certainly going to be evicted. She hasn’t done much to make a compelling argument to say; she simply got herself in trouble too early, and Anthony did the right thing in working to ensure that she was on the block against Avery, one of the more popular people in the house.

For right now, we tend to think that the dominant alliance in the game could be Hot Chocolate, which consists of Kayla, Lexus, Avery, Anthony, and Victoria. They have an opportunity to get a lot of information from various people! It is still not a perfect alliance, though, for a number of different reasons. Take, for starters, the fact that Victoria seems to have some trust issues with Lexus. Also, we know already that Bayleigh wants Anthony out and some others could, as well, depending on who wins the next Head of Household.

We do think that for some members of Hot Chocolate, Vivek is clearly being worked up as the next target since Anthony doesn’t trust him and beyond that, there are a lot of seeds being planted against him.

Also in the new Digital Daily…

We’ve seen a new group photo arrive in the house, which has made most of the players both excited and curious. Is it there for them to gawk at? Maybe, but it’s also easy to assume this could be tied to a competition. If we were in the house, we’d be looking at this thing left and right.

What do you think is going to happen on Big Brother Canada 12 moving into the next week?

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I would so love to see one of the newbies win HOH and target the returning players. There are 11 newbies and only 2 returnees. Get with it people!!! This is YOUR year, your game. Victoria and Anthony had their chances. Just my thoughts.

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