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Digital Dailies will be paused until after Tuesday’s episode

Surprising even us, the Movie Night Massacre ended up being bigger than we had anticipated.

To avoid spoilers, Digital Dailies will be paused until after Tuesday’s episode has aired. Stay tuned!

For everyone out there wishing to get some more Big Brother Canada 12 Digital Dailies sooner rather than later, we have some bad news.

Today, Global (unsurprisingly) indicated that you are going to be waiting until after Tuesday’s special eviction show to see what’s happening in the house. This is after some of the delays that we saw last week due to the Movie Night Massacre twist.

If you want a quick refresher as to what is going on at present, Spicy Vee was “cast” in the role of Head of Household, while Kayla and Avery were each placed in the nominee spots by other players. Kayla ended up winning the Veto, so she has secured her own safety and we will see what happens from here. There are a smaller number of people voting this week in part because there are fewer players, but also because Elijah does not have a vote this week. This is a situation where moving forward, we’ll have to wait and see what sort of chaos unfolds. It is an interesting twist, and kudos to the producers for going all out to create great competitions.

Now, here is a reminder that in a lot of ways Big Brother Canada is the opposite of the US version. With the latter, we tend to think that the live feeds are almost more of the show than what you see on CBS it gives you a reality of the game that is actually being played, and sometimes there is a night-and-day difference when it comes to the edit. In Canada, the Dailies are more of a curated supplement even when there were live feeds for this show a long time ago, they were significantly more sparse than what we see here in America.

There is a lot of game left to play this season we just want to see how everyone handles the ebb and flow of things from here on out.

Who do you think is going to be evicted after all this Big Brother Canada 12 craziness?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

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