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Another week down.Another twist is coming into the game!

We’re now more than 24 hours removed from the latest Big Brother Canada 12 episode on Global. Where are the Digital Dailies?

Well, the simplest answer appears to be this: Another twist is coming into the game! We hope that you are ready for it, given that this one is going to be all sorts of messy. The “Movie Night Massacre” sounds like one of those twist-based special evictions that we’ve seen in the past, and it is going to feature prominent on Sunday night.

Hence, this is why there is no Digital Daily today, as producers don’t want to give anything away.

Sure, at this point we are used to it because honestly, we have to be used to it and there’s no other way around it. This is the way that the Canadian show works. It remains extremely frustrating that there are no live feeds for it anymore but even when there was, they weren’t exactly around as often as they were for the American series. We’ve just lived in this spot for a while where we’ve had these long outages and we’ve missed all sorts of good stuff.

The real tragedy at this point is that this season almost certainly would have been feeds gold in the event that we had them. Just think about all of the great content that could have existed there from start to finish! There would have been a great opportunity to see a lot of different players stir the pot, especially the super-messy Spicy Vee who has done a lot to create almost constant chaos so far.

What do you think we are going to see happen from here within Big Brother Canada 12?

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